Everyone has those chase scene dreams, where you never really get away. Why? As fast as you run, it's never fast enough. It's really frustrating.
I am always chased by a man - always around the same age - usually with a gun - trying to shoot me. WTF?! I never did anything to him! Unfortunately, he always catches up to me and I have to face him at some point.
Well the other night, I got ahold of a gun myself. But when I turned to face him, no matter how many times I shot him, he kept coming as if he were just fine! As bad as it is, I even aimed for his head. Why wouldn't he fall? It made me question my aim, which in real life probably isn't great.
Is this dream telling me I try to fight the menaces in life trying to chase me away? That if I get a gun, it won't be effective? That no matter if I fight, life will eventually take me down? That sucks.
I don't wake up remembering most dreams, especially long enough to write it down later. But this one, as well as other "chase dreams", is stuck in my memory.
What am I running from? What am I fighting?